domingo, julho 16, 2006

o calor mora aqui

Numa casa gélida virada a norte, sete janelas abertas, o pulso dorido de tanto abanar leques, o stock de gelo e limões esgotado...
Eu que sou uma friorenta crónica duvido se está um calor inusitado ou se é impressão minha???
Só me resta rever o delicioso O Pecado Mora ao Lado e tentar adquirir algumas das técnicas by Marilyn. Uma rapariga sempre cheia de recursos... ;-D

The Girl: Let me just go put something on. I'll go into the kitchen and get dressed.
Sherman: The kitchen?
The Girl: Yes, when it's hot like this - you know what I do? I keep my undies in the icebox.

You know what I tried yesterday? I tried to sleep in the bathtub. Just lying there up to my neck in cold water...
But there was something wrong with the faucet. It kept dripping. It was keeping me awake, so you know what I did? I pushed my big toe up the faucet...The only thing was, my toe got stuck and I couldn't get it back out again...
No, but thank goodness there was a phone in the bathroom, so I was able to call the plumber...He was very nice, even though it was Sunday, I explained the situation to him and he rushed right over...
But it was sort of embarrassing...Honestly, I almost died. There I was with a perfectly strange plumber and no polish on my toenails.

Etiquetas: ,


Anonymous Anónimo said...

I wanna be a plumber!

P.S. Sorry if I'm clogging your blog...

julho 16, 2006 9:00 da tarde  
Blogger Unknown said...

Genial este diálogo. Hum, Billy Wilder, não?

julho 22, 2006 8:14 da tarde  
Blogger fada*do*lar said...

Billy Wilder pois claro!!!
O génio dos génios! :-D

julho 29, 2006 6:29 da tarde  

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